The CazVid Vision
As it is, written resumes and job applications simply fail to convey a clear picture of the candidate or job position due to the limitations of the written medium itself. CazVid's video-only format overcomes these limitations and is able to present an applicant's/employer's personality and verbal communication skills which is often what is desired in many positions. Many CEO’s and hiring managers admit that the decision is often made within 30 seconds of a job interview and is often based on the job seeker’s personal presentation and personality vs. their specific background. Yuvi Shmul, (the founder of CazVid) specifically crafted the CazVid app with this in mind.
With CazVid, job seekers record a 30 second video that describes themselves and what they're looking for. Business owners and hiring managers also record a 30 second video that describes the job opening and what's desired in a candidate. The two parties can then find each other on the CazVid app and communicate for free.
You can download the CazVid app now for both Android and iOS. It's always free to use so you've got nothing to lose. Check out for details
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